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Years ago Izzo launched its new star brand: TIMBRA Top Percussion. These instruments the series Timbra have been developed in close cooperation with several elite percussionists like Carlinhos Brown. The aim was to create live instruments
Read moreShow less Years ago Izzo launched its new star brand: TIMBRA Top
Percussion. These instruments the series Timbra have been developed
in close cooperation with several elite percussionists as
Carlinhos Brown.
The aim was to create live instruments with a quality of
exceptional sound but also that they had a design espectacular.Los instruments Timbra are jewelry and that has been qualified by some
of the best Brazilian percussionists like the "Ferrari" of the
brazilian instruments.
Them surdos with short depth have its origin in Bahia where the
sambistas dance with a lot of choreography and where they sometimes raise surdo on top of their heads. For this reason, a surdo shorter
light and easy to manipulate. It also influences the sound as the
it's shorter to have less snare drum resonance.
Them surdos from Timbra have more tensors and they also weigh more.